About us

We moved into this place in 1993 and have been engaged in forming our 41 hectare agricultural and nature area to the place, we wish to live. This means that when it is daylight and we are off jobs, you will see us working with some out-door activity. Of course, we like to go on holiday too, but we don’t need to take unnecessary trouble! Very often we enjoy the surrounding nature and we have a wide choice of places.

We took over the farm being the 4th generation of the family meaning that we have historical knowledge and acquaintances contributing to our local connection.

We both are working: Søs as a occupational therapist and Børge as a nurse.

  Om os

Copyright © 2014. Søs Rolighed & Børge Skytte. Nørregårdsvej 7, Muldbjerg. 6971 Spjald. Tlf.: 20259447 - 61705598. info@aah-ja.dk