
The holiday-house takes the form of a forest property with a view of the edge of the forest in all corners of the world. Maybe you will find calmness of mind and eye.

Do you like to sense the scenery and would you like to experience, explore, and use all your senses? With your family, friends, or on your own you have the opportunity of having very special experiences of proximity.

Beyond our own forest there are State forest areas starting 100 meters from the holiday-house covering the length of 12 km. There are good paths and roads only for the use of people on foot, on bicycle or with natural horsepower. There is possibility of anything from short walks to a view of the moor, and to a long goose-step with lunch basket.

Nature surrounding the holiday-house will include the possibility of almost all kinds of game to be found in Denmark and will constitute a gem to sportsmen without sporting gun, nature photography enthusiasts, or others with knowledge of nature – and for you, who just want to experience a non-staged closeness studying the swarming activity of the forest floor of the majestically native place of the deer.

To give an extract of the permanent fauna we can mention hare, fox, badger, maid, roe-deer, and deer. To the person with the binoculars or zoom lens the fox cubs or the fawns are popular objects. To the sportsman it is the rutting trout from the leader that sends a shiver down the back. To the family in the forest the giant community of ants, the different odours, spronges, the wild growing berries, tracks, the rustling in the top of the spruces, and much more are experiences, you are certain to carry away.

We have to emphasise that all deer in West Jutland forests are vigilant and cannot be examined at a close range like in deer parks. When disturbed by human beings and scared the deer will only show themselves running. For example the stag would be able to smell man for 1-2 km. In the wrong scent, but if you can move quietly and in the right scent, you will be able to experience deer in nature.

The seasons in the forest (all seasons have a charm of their own) are very different. Without doubt, though, there are very good experiences for the quiet and patient guest.

Spring: The season, when everything is in bud and sprouts. In the spring up to about July 1st. there will be singing birds everywhere with different tunes. As soon as the arrival of the first spring sunshine, thousands of frogs will be croaking in the lake laying a wealth of eggs. You will be able to catch tadpoles on the meadow until late in the summer. The deer will go out for fresh sprouts on the field as well as breeding places for all living creatures in nature. In the morning and evening light you will very often be able to spot the animals at a close range of the holiday-house. The goshawk screaming over the forest that now breeding time is here. – Let us hope that it leaves the hen house alone this year!

Summer: Maybe you will be lucky to see the fox cubs looking for food in the meadow or the duck with its ducklings. The common buzzard is probably practising her young ones in thermical winds high in the sky.

Late in the summer in August the heather has its time of glory – purple bloom covering large areas. A delight to the eye and business for the bees, who have to collect the heather honey. The cow berries has been grown ripe for a while now and now is the time for collecting the harvest of the year of cranberries, wild raspberries, and blueberries, just as the sponges start to turn up.

Autumn: For all the second half of the year there is plenty of opportunity for collecting sponges. The chanterelles are among the earliest eating sponges, who appears dependent on the weather situation. Then, especially boletus and later on hydnums are common. September is the mating season for the deer and you can hear the trout of the stags echoing. It is an exceedingly old fight, who has to be seen – a regular fight is very seldom seen, but the trout from one leader to the other are echoing through the forest.

Winter: Winter is the rest period of the forest. A brisk walk in the forest provides good recreation at a time of the year, when we spend most of our time indoors. You will meet the animals in the forest during the winter-time as well and it is very exiting to follow the tracks, especially in new snow. Naturally, it is important to ensure practical and warm clothing and footwear – you will almost always find shelter in the forest.

The State Forests in General:

However, it characterises the State forests that during the last few years there has been don a lot to improve the environment in the forest in order to please people interested in nature. Recently laid-out pull-ins with barbecues have been opened, and several places facilities for primitive bed-night in shelters are available. Booklet covering the specific district of State forest containing maps of walking routes. This might be of interest if you wish to see other forest districts. We are at your disposal regarding our local forest.

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